VE Day 1945 and C-19 today

As this is the bank holiday weekend marking the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, I thought it would be good to draw some comparisons to the situation we find ourselves in today.

As some have said we are not at war with COVID-19, it has no boundaries, no armies and doesn’t belong to any nation. We are though in a battle with it.

There are those calling for an end to lockdown, those of the opinion the lockdown should remain until a vaccine is found etc. Unfortunately it is not going to be that clear cut. A phased return to whatever ‘normal’ is will be required and we should all have a bit of patience in that.

So where is the comparison?

On 8th May 1945 it was again safe to leave the curtains open at night with the lights on, you could sleep in your own bed without worrying about listening for an air raid siren etc. but life would not return to ‘normal’.

UK rationing would continue for 9 years until July 1954. NINE YEARS. Though the people of Europe (in the first case, VJ Day wouldn’t happen until 3 months later) were free from the tyranny of the Nazi forces they would not be able to purchase everyday goods in random measures for years to come.

Modern day we are battling an invisible killer, although in time we will be able to manage it, there will be no VE Day, no end to celebrate, we will still need a phased return to ‘normal’. We will still need to be alert to its dangers and infection. We can’t stay in isolation for ever and at some point normality of a variety will happen.

Looking back to 1945, as stated it was 9 years before restrictions were lifted it took time and so it will be today, hopefully not 9 years but we will feel the effects of this for a substantial time. The return to ‘normal’ has to be managed and responsible to prevent second and third waves.

Another thing to look at when talking of multiple waves, history from the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak should also be taken into account. On that occasion there were 4 reported waves, with the second being a lot more deadly than the first with estimates of 20 to 50 million killed worldwide:

So history teaches that we shouldn’t be hasty, our forefathers weren’t 75 years ago… (and we don’t want a repeat of 1918)

For reference:

  • 1948 – Bread ration ended
  • May 1949 Clothing ration ended
  • May 1950 – Petrol ration ended
  • Feb 1953 – Confectionery ration ended
  • Sep 1953 – Sugar ration ended
  • July 1954 – Meat and other food ration ended